Church of Christ
Christ said the greatest commandments were to love God with all our heart, soul & mind, and to love our neighbors as ouselves. We always strive to meet these goals. This includes weekly Bible classes, worship services, fellowships, and community outreach.
Brother Dan Gannon has moved here from Texas to work with our congregation. Welcome, Brother Gannon!
Dennis Poole and John Forrester are the elders for the Slater-Marietta Church of Christ.
Bible Study
Joins us for Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:30am, and Wednesday evening at 7pm. Classes for all ages.
Sign up for online Bible study at:
One of our elders, Denns Poole, instructs the youth classes in God's word. Dennis has many years of experience working with youth, and helping them to understand the Bible.
We have a library of concordances, study guides, and other religious books. We also record Dan's lessons, and can provide a CD of them.
Community service
We are always available to help those in need, both physical and spiritual.
Please join us for Bible study and worship service.